Welcome to the preschool in Gävle Municipality

What is preschool?

Preschool is the first step in the Swedish education system and prepares the child for continued schooling. The preschool is voluntary for children between 1 and 5 years of age.
Attending preschool provides a good foundation and conditions for later success at school. Preschool should be fun, safe and educational for all children. The child gets the opportunity to develop through play, creation and exploration. The education should make use of the children’s curiosity and challenge and stimulate their interest in and knowledge of language, mathematics, nature and technology.

When can my child attend preschool?

When you as a parent work, are looking for work, studying or are on parental leave, your child is entitled to a place in preschool. You pay a fee when your child goes to preschool. The fee is based on your family’s income.

Entitlement to a place in public preschool

All children are entitled to attend public preschool from the autumn term of the year in which the child turns 3 years old. Public preschool is free of charge and the child attends preschool 15 hours a week. Public preschool follows the primary school terms. It implies that the child is off from preschool on the same days as the children at school.

This is how to apply

You apply for a place in preschool via an e-service at www.gavle.se.
If you are not in possession of a full social security number, you need to apply via form. The form is submitted to us by ordinary postal service or handed over to our customer service.


Customer service

026–17 80 00
A warm welcome to the preschool in Gävle!